K. Male'
17 Jun 2018 | Sun 16:03
The Jumhooree Party leadership
The Jumhooree Party leadership
Jumhooree Party
Jumhooree Party opens opportunity to vie for top positions
JP Secretary General Ahmed Sameer said the party’s steering committee approved the decision
JP has also opened the opportunity to contest for 27 other positions
The congress will be held at Paradise Island Resort where more than 400 guests will be in attendance

Jumhoree Party (JP) has opened the opportunity to vie for the positions of the party’s leader, president and vice president.

At a press conference on Saturday, JP Secretary General Ahmed Sameer said the party’s steering committee approved the decision in their meeting on Friday night.

JP has also opened the opportunity to contest for 27 other positions in the party. Interested party members should submit their applications before June 19 and JP will be appointing the best candidate at the party’s congress on June 21 and 22. The congress will be held at JP leader Qasim Ibrahim’s Paradise Island Resort where more than 400 guests will be in attendance, according to the party.

At the congress, JP will also be deliberating on making changes to its regulations in order to pick the party’s presidential candidate through a vote as well as inaugurating its new flag and logo.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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