K. Male'
11 Jun 2018 | Mon 21:59
Colonel Ahmed Fayaz (l)
Colonel Ahmed Fayaz (l)
Team Papa
Presidential Speedboat Blast
Colonel Fayaz released from prison after serving time for Presidential speedboat blast
Colonel Fayaz was given two years after being found guilty of destroying evidence in the incident
Fayaz was in charge of the military's weapons storage area when the explosion occurred inside the speedboat
He was found guilty of ordering the SPG to obstruct the police investigation

Colonel Ahmed Fayaz (Papa) has been released from prison after serving his sentence for his involvement in the explosion inside the Presidential speedboat.

In 2016, Colonel Fayaz was given two years after being found guilty of destroying evidence in the incident.

The Correctional Service has confirmed to RaajjeMV that they have released Fayaz.

Fayaz was in charge of the Maldives National Defence Force’s weapons storage area when the explosion occurred inside the speedboat on 28 September 2015.

He had previously been the military commander of the Male’ area and the leader of the Special Protection Group (SPG).

He was found guilty of ordering the SPG to obstruct the police investigation of the speedboat blast.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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