K. Male'
09 Jun 2018 | Sat 00:36
Dhiraagu employees receive reusable bags on World Oceans Day
Dhiraagu employees receive reusable bags on World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day
Dhiraagu distributes reusable bags on World Oceans Day
Dhiraagu released a video showing the ocean sending a text message to a father and son urging them to use reusable bags
Dhiraagu has made the reusable bags available at its head office and regional offices as well as in supermarkets
In 2016, Dhiraagu launched its “For the Oceans” campaign against littering the oceans with plastic bags

Telecommunications giant Dhiraagu has distributed reusable bags to employees to mark World Oceans Day on Friday.

Dhiraagu has participated in advocating for environmental protection in previous occasions by airing environment-friendly advertisements.

On Thursday, Dhiraagu released a video showing the ocean sending a text message to a father and son urging them to use reusable bags.

In 2016, Dhiraagu launched its “For the Oceans” campaign against littering the oceans with plastic bags in collaboration with international environment protection organization Parley for the Oceans and local NGO BEAM.

On Friday, Dhiraagu distributed reusable bags to its employees to encourage them to not use plastics. The company has also made the bags available at its head office and regional offices as well as in supermarkets.

The reusable bag introduced by Dhiraagu

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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