K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 13:52
Administrative officials at the NSPA offices in capital city Malé
Administrative officials at the NSPA offices in capital city Malé
Audit Report
Audit reveals government paid single-parent allowances to several married couples
The audit says a total of MVR 1,551,000 was spent on wrongfully paying single-parent allowances
The government had paid such allowances to a total of 109 individuals
The audit report found that these payments were made in violation of procedure

A state audit has fond that the government spent over MVR 1 million in paying single-parent allowances to individuals registered as married.

The report, signed by the Auditor General, says a total of MVR 1,551,000 was spent on wrongfully paying single-parent allowances. The report also found that married individuals were among those listed to have foregone receiving payment as well.

The government had paid such allowances to a total of 109 individuals, who were previously registered as no longer married by changed their marital status within the year. The audit report found that these payments were made in violation of procedure.

State procedure does not allow added allowances for single-parents looking after differently-abled children, although a joint payment of MVR 13,000 had been made wrongfully to an individual, the audit further found.

The audit further found that in 2015, the government had spent a total of MVR 198,000 on paying allowances to individuals whose eligibility for them had not been adequetely confirmed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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