K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 11:08
Faisal’s passport has been suspended until a police investigation into allegations of him inciting violence concludes
Faisal’s passport has been suspended until a police investigation into allegations of him inciting violence concludes
MP Faisal Naseem
Joint Opposition calls on government to allow medical travel for MP Faisal
Faisal has reportedly been diagnosed with a high-risk condition of the eye
The party condemned the state decision to suspend Faisal's travel documents
Faisal’s passport has been suspended until a police investigation into allegations of him inciting violence concludes

The Joint Opposition has condemned the state decision to bar Kaashidhoo constituency MP Faisal Naseem from receiving treatment for a high-risk eye condition.

The allied opposition parties said in a statement on Wednesday that Faisal has been diagnosed with said high-risk condition and has been advised by doctors to seek treatment abroad.

The party condemned the state decision to suspend Faisal's travel documents in relation to a case they denounced as baseless, and described the act as ‘bullying’ – in reference to ruling party lawmaker Ahmed Nihan’s comments on Tuesday. 

Faisal’s passport has been suspended until a police investigation into allegations of him inciting violence concludes. The charges have to do with his comments an an opposition rally, where he encouraged supporters of the Joint Opposition to protest against ‘government tyranny’. The rally was held on March 16th.

MP Nihan was seized, detained, and questioned at an Indian airport by immigration officials before being asked to ‘leave India on the next available flight’. The parliamentarian described this as India ‘bullying’ him for his political allegiances. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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