K. Male'
30 May 2018 | Wed 14:21
Supporters and former President Mohamed Nasheed\'s campaign rally
Supporters and former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign rally
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MDP Primary Election
EC requests police to stop MDP primary
The party’s de-facto leader and former president, Mohamed Nasheed, is the only one contesting in the primaries
EC has threatened to dissolve MDP if it allows Nasheed to contest, since it is illegal for anyone serving a prison sentence, such as Nasheed, to contest in the presidential election
MDP has set up polling stations in all inhabited islands as well as other countries with Maldivian communities

Elections Commission (EC) has requested the police to stop the Maldivian Democratic party (MDP) primary election on Wednesday.

EC President Ahmed Shareef said that they made the request, citing the letter the Commission sent to political parties prevoiusly.

The party’s de-facto leader and former president, Mohamed Nasheed, is the only one contesting in the primaries. EC has threatened to dissolve MDP if it allows Nasheed to contest, since it is illegal for anyone serving a prison sentence, such as Nasheed, to contest in the presidential election. The now self-exiled former leader was issued a 13 year prison sentence in March 2015.

MDP is to begin the primary election at 2pm in all the islands and has set up five polling stations in capital city Malé; one for each ward.

The party has also set up polling stations in Colombo and in Kandy, Sri Lanka, as well as in Thiruvananthapuram and Bangalore, India.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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