K. Male'
30 May 2018 | Wed 09:33
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom at ADK Hospital with prison officials
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom at ADK Hospital with prison officials
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-President Maumoon
Ex-President Gayoom addresses complaints over Criminal Court handling of his case
Gayoom’s lawyers announced their withdrawal from the case before the hearing began

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has expressed concern over how the Criminal Court is handling his case on the obstruction of justice charge after his lawyers decided to withdraw on Tuesday.

The first hearing on the trial of former President Gayoom, Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, and Justice Ali Hameed were held on Tuesday night.

The three are being tried over the obstruction of justice together. They were charged for refusing to hand over their phones to the police after their arrests during the state of emergency on February.

Gayoom’s lawyers announced their withdrawal from the case before the hearing began in protest of the unlawful nature in which the case is being handled by the court. During the hearing, Gayoom told the court that the case is being influenced by a specific person and is proceeding while he is not receiving his due rights.

Gayoom requested that he be given the maximum allowed time to assign new lawyers and expressed his concern when the presiding judge, in response, said that he could assign new lawyers as the trial proceeds. Gayoom said that it was illegal to proceed with the trial without him being represented by a lawyer.

Although the state prosecutors said they did not object to the trial being halted to give Gayoom time to assign new lawyers, the judge decided to proceed with the case, anyway. Gayoom complained that Islamic and legal principles dictate that the court accept any decision that both sides agree on.

Despite Gayoom’s repeated pleas, the judge gave him until 1:30pm, Wednesday, to assign a new legal team and inform the court.

Gayoom and the two justices were then asked to present evidence in their defense. Gayoom said he was unable to present any since all the relevant documents were with his former legal team. The judge then said that Gayoom can provide the evidence to the court in writing before 2pm, Wednesday. Gayoom objected on the fact that he is in jail and has no lawyer but the judge did not take back the decision.

Justice Saeed and Hameed’s lawyers also pointed out the illegality of continuing with the trial while Gayoom is without legal representation.

While Gayoom is also involved in another trial at the Criminal Court over terrorism charges, this is the first hearing in which he was vocal of his criticisms towards the court.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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