K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 12:00
President Abdulla Yameen
President Abdulla Yameen
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
President Yameen
President Yameen again calls SC order ‘judicial coup’, says it ‘cannot be forgiven’
On February 8th, the ruling was repealed
The Supreme Court order on February 1st released nine prominent politicians serving criminal sentences
The incumbent president said that those behind the 'coup' had known the gravity of the crimes they committed

The Supreme Court order on February 1st was the result of several unlawful acts and cannot be pardoned or forgiven.

Yameen said this while speaking at a Progressive Party of Maldives rally held on Tuesday night, where he accepted new members to his faction of the party.

The incumbent president said that those behind the 'coup' had known the gravity of the crimes they committed.

“They should have refrained from their crimes, they should have refrained from infringing on the rights of the state. It is not right to believe that they will amend their ways just because their plans failed” Yameen said.

The Supreme Court order on February 1st released nine prominent politicians serving criminal sentences and deemed them to have been convicted unfairly.

Hours after the ruling, Attorney General Mohamed Anil announced in a press conference that the government has yet to acertain the validity of the apex court’s ruling.

On February 8th, after the government imposed a state of emergency in the Maldives and arrested two justices who had signed the ruling, the ruling was repealed.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz