K. Male'
26 May 2018 | Sat 18:06
Gender Minister Zeneesha
Gender Minister Zeneesha
Child Abuse
Numerous child abuse cases reported last month
Statistics released by the ministry in April show that 116 cases are on various types of child abuse
35 sexual abuse cases, 16 physical abuse cases and 11 emotional abuse cases were reported
The ministry stated that they received and attended to a total of 238 cases last month

Gender Ministry has said that most of the cases reported last month were regarding child abuse. 

Statistics released by the ministry in April show that 116 cases on various types of child abuse have been reported, which is 49% of the total reported cases. 

Gender Ministry also said that most of the cases reported regarding child abuse include negligence. 44 of such cases were reported last month. 

Additionally 35 sexual abuse cases, 16 physical abuse cases and 11 emotional abuse cases were reported. While 5 cases regarding bullying were reported, 2 cases of cyberbullying and 2 cases of witnessing domestic violence were also reported to the ministry.

Furthermore, 6 cases on neglecting children's rights were reported, which included 3 cases on neglecting education and 3 cases of failing to provide shelter. While 27 cases on not being able to see their children as well as 14 cases regarding child care and 5 cases on child expenditure were reported in April, a total of 46 cases regarding family issues were reported last month. 

In addition to which the ministry has received 12 juvenile deliquency cases, 13 cases regarding child misbehavior and 25 gender based violence cases. While 7 self harm cases were reported, 7 cases requesting support for persons with disability and 6 cases requesting support for senior individuals were reported to Gender Ministry last month. 

The ministry stated that they investigated a total of 238 cases last month.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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