K. Male'
23 May 2018 | Wed 23:48
RaajjeTV’s Senior Video Journalist Mohamed Wisam (r) and Head of Programmes and Coordination Amir Saleem
RaajjeTV’s Senior Video Journalist Mohamed Wisam (r) and Head of Programmes and Coordination Amir Saleem
'Fake' Video Case
Police admit to not having evidence against RaajjeTV’s Amir and Wisam
Wisam and Amir were arrested over their alleged involvement in a YouTube video showing masked men in police uniform threatening to join the opposition protests
The only evidence put forth by the police was an intelligence report
The police service said their case has been filed away due to lack of evidence

The Maldives Police Service has admitted to not having enough evidence against RaajjeTV’s Senior Video Journalist Mohamed Wisam and Head of Programmes and Coordination Amir Saleem.

Wisam and Amir were arrested on March 16 and kept in jail for 10 days over their alleged involvement in a 'fake' YouTube video showing masked men in police uniform threatening to join the opposition protests being held at the time.

The only evidence put forth by the police was an intelligence report and the court released them after refusing to extend their remand.

In a recent letter sent to Amir and Wisam, the police service said their case has been filed away due to lack of evidence.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s Media Coordinator Hassan Ismail was also arrested over the cases but was released after five days in jail.

Amir and Wisam were arrested after senior ruling party members accused RaajjeTV of encouraging terrorism.

Throughout their detention, RaajjeTV had repeatedly said that there was no evidence to implicate them.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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