K. Male'
23 May 2018 | Wed 02:27
Former President Mohamed Nasheed talks to the youth via Skype
Former President Mohamed Nasheed talks to the youth via Skype
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Nasheed Campaign
Nasheed meets youth in Male’ via Skype
At the meeting, Nasheed talked about his policies and gave a Q&A at the end
Nasheed said that one of his main policies is to empower the youth by having them join national activities
The Elections Commission (EC) has said that it would dissolve MDP if Nasheed is allowed to contest in the party’s primary election

Former President Mohamed Nasheed, who is contesting in the MDP primary election, has met with the youth of capital city Male’ on Tuesday.

Nasheed joined the meeting at Henveiru Haifa building via Skype from Sri Lanka.

At the meeting, Nasheed talked about his policies and gave a Q&A at the end.

Nasheed said that one of his main policies is to empower the youth by having them join national activities.

The Elections Commission (EC) has said that it would dissolve MDP if Nasheed is allowed to contest in the party’s primary election.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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