K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 16:26
Flooding caused due to heavy rain in Haa Dhaalu Hanimaadhoo
Flooding caused due to heavy rain in Haa Dhaalu Hanimaadhoo
Weather Update
Thunderstorms and scattered rain to be experienced in areas between Haa Dhaalu and Laamu: MET Office
MET Office announced that areas between Haa Dhaalu and Laamu atoll will experience scattered rain with few heavy showers and thunderstorms in the next 24 hours
Thunderstorms and heavy showers are expected between 10:00 am today till 10:00 am tomorrow
Surface winds will vary between south-west / westerly at 10 – 18 miles per hour in central atolls and 05 to 15 miles per hour elsewhere

Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) announced that areas between Haa Dhaalu and Laamu atoll will experience scattered rain with few heavy showers and thunderstorms in the next 24 hours. 

MET Office declared that while some areas between Haa Dhaalu and Laamu are to experience scattered rain while others might face heavy rain showers and thunderstorms between 10:00 am today till 10:00 am tomorrow. MET Office forecasts few showers in the rest of the atolls. 

Surface winds will vary between south-west / westerly at 10 – 18 miles per hour in central atolls and 05 to 15 miles per hour elsewhere. 

While winds are expected to gust 40 miles per hour during showers, seas may be moderate in the central and slight becoming moderate during showers elsewhere. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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