K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 00:48
Parked motorcycles
Parked motorcycles
Driver's License
New program provides driver's licenses in one day
'Eh Lakin Mashah License' will be launched across the Maldives
Economic Ministry stated that they will be announcing the exact locations, dates and times for the activities within the week
The program focuses on individuals aged between 18 to 35

Economic Ministry has decided to implement a program that issues driver's licenses for some vehicles in one day.

While the ministry plans to conduct the first event in the capital city, Male', the program under the name 'Eh Lakin Mashah License' will be launched across the Maldives.

The program is to be held within this month and the Economic Ministry stated that they will be announcing the exact locations, dates and times for the activities within the coming week. In addition to which, the ministry also said that the plan is to conduct the written exam as well as the driving test in the same area. 

The ministry plans on completing the entire process in the area specified for the program. For instance, while application forms and license forms are to be available in the area, photo for the license, stamps as well as payment can be completed there as well. 

Even though the program focuses on individuals aged between 18 to 35, the ministry confirmed that people above 35 can also participate.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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