K. Male'
15 May 2018 | Tue 08:58
Supreme Court justice Ali Hameed escorted to capital city Malé for a hearing on charges against him
Supreme Court justice Ali Hameed escorted to capital city Malé for a hearing on charges against him
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Justice Ali Hameed
Detained Justice Ali Hameed now seeking treatment for psychological condition
Ali Hameed has been receiving treatment for such a condition since Thursday
Hameed said that he has been prescribed medication that he must consume for a period of three months
Hameed has a medical history of heart complications and high blood pressure

Detained Supreme Court justice Ali Hameed, who is facing several criminal charges and has already been convicted of one, is now seeking treatment for a psychological condition.

The apex court adjudicator said in a hearing on Monday that he has been receiving treatment for such a condition since Thursday.

Justice Hameed said that he has been prescribed medication that he must consume for a period of three months. Hameed has a medical history of heart complications and high blood pressure.

Hameed said at the hearing on Monday that he has not shared details of the medication prescribed to him last week, with his lawyers. The presiding judge had highlighted the necessity of doing so and instructed correctional officers to ensure that he is allowed to.

The adjudicator had also brought a number of other concerns to the Criminal Court judge’s attention, such as other medical complications he has – numbing of his thighs and lower abdomen.

At a hearing on Wednesday, over obstruction charges for which he has been sentenced, Hameed had reported feeling anxious and having difficulty breathing. The hearing had been cancelled and he was admitted to a hospital.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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