K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 16:08
Husnu Al Suood
Husnu Al Suood
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Husnu Al Suood
Ex-AG calls on all judges to 'learn from experiences of former bosses'
Suood said this in a tweet, using Abdulla “Gaazee” Mohamed, Abdul Baree Yoosuf, Ali Hameed and [Chief Justice] Abdulla Saeed as examples
His comments are directed towards the court’s decision to summon prominent lawyer Hisaan Hussain ‘for questioning'
Former President Nasheed said court summoning Hisaan “is a blatant act of intimidation, and another assault on rule of law”

Former Attorney General Husnu Al Suood has urged Criminal Court judges to be wary of their actions, and “learn from the recent experiences of former bosses”.

A tweet posted by the former AG on Monday reads, “Dear Criminal Court, do not be sensitive to what lawyers say, but be more sensitive to the impact of what you do. What you do may not necessarily be right. It is not too late to learn from the recent experiences of your former bosses- Abdulla “Gaazee” Mohamed, Abdul Baree Yoosuf, Ali Hameed and [Chief Justice] Abdulla Saeed”.

While he made the appeal on the current judges, Justices Saeed and Hameed were sentenced to one year, seven months and six days in prison last week.

His comments are directed towards the court’s decision to summon prominent lawyer Hisaan Hussain ‘for questioning in an ongoing investigation’, over comments made in an interview to RaajjeTV, regarding the sentencing of the two top court justices.

Hisaan has been summoned to the court for questioning in previous occasions as well, under similar circumstances.

While Suood expressed his concern over the matter, he is currently suspended from practicing law in any courts in Maldives, for speaking to the press over the chief justice’s case.

Opposition lawyer and former President Mohamed Nasheed said that Criminal Court’s decision to summon Hisaan “is a blatant act of intimidation, and another assault on rule of law”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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