K. Male'
13 May 2018 | Sun 17:04
Criminal Court
Criminal Court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Criminal Court
Criminal Court's new website launched
Criminal Court's new website has been launched on Saturday night
The website was launched by Supreme Court Justice Abdulla Areef and Criminal Court's incharge, Judge Adam Arif
The court also introduced a new page specified for their social committee at the website launching event

Criminal Court's new website has been launched on Saturday night. 

The website was launched by Supreme Court Justice Abdulla Areef and Criminal Court's incharge, Judge Adam Arif at an event held at the Criminal Court to welcome the fasting month of Ramadan.

Criminal Court stated that the website includes a lot of relevant information for the public and is designed in a user-friendly way. The court added that the their decisions, cases and statistics as well as schedules and forms will be available from the website. In addition to which information regarding local lawyers will also be accessible. 

Criminal Court also introduced a new page at the website launching event under the name 'ijthimaaee' or social committee, which even though currently empty, includes categories for activities carried out by the committee and the ones planned for the future.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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