K. Male'
08 May 2018 | Tue 10:57
Former Deputy Minister Shidhatha Shareef at RaajjeTV\'s main studio in capital city Malé
Former Deputy Minister Shidhatha Shareef at RaajjeTV's main studio in capital city Malé
Ahmed Muhsin
Ex-Deputy Minister Shidhatha
We will not back down, even if Yameen’s tyranny persists: Shidhatha
She said this in an interview with Raajje Television on Monday night

The Joint Opposition’s reform movement will continue even if President Abdulla Yameen’s ‘tyranny persists’, says former deputy minister Shidhatha Shareef.

Shidhatha, who is also president of the opposition Adhaalath Party’s foreign relations committee, said this in an interview with Raajje Television on Monday night.

The former Gender Ministry official said that President Yameen himself must have observed by now that supporters of the allied opposition parties will not lessen their resolve.

Shidhatha further said that the entire of the opposition respects and commends the courage former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is showing in incarceration.

The octogenarian has been diagnosed with a type of vertigo disease that makes him vulnerable to collapses and doctors have advised that a caretaker be with him at all times.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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