K. Male'
04 May 2018 | Fri 11:05
Abdulla Mausoom speaking at a rally held at Kunooz
Abdulla Mausoom speaking at a rally held at Kunooz
Abdulla Mausoom
Partnering with Sheikh Imran shows MDP's willingness to compromise for good of the nation: JP's Mausoom
Mausoom said this at Wednesday’s anti-government rally held at the opposition Jumhooree Party’s headquarters
Mausoom further said that Sheikh Imran and the other opposition leaders have always stood in defence of justice

Partnering with Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla shows the Maldivian Democratic Party’s willingness to compromise for the good of the nation, says Abdulla Mausoom of the Jumhooree Party.

Mausoom said this at Wednesday’s anti-government rally held at the opposition Jumhooree Party’s headquarters in capital city Malé.

In his address, Mausoom highlighted that Sheikh Imran, Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim, and former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had all been in support of President Abdulla Yameen, while the Maldivian Democratic Party stood in the opposition then as well.

Mausoom further said that Sheikh Imran and the other opposition leaders have always stood in defence of justice and that they had been ‘signaling’ the Maldivian Democratic Party from within the government.

He also said that Sheikh Imran joining the opposition had been contentious for a lot of the Maldivian Democratic Party’s supporters, as he had been a staunch opponent of the party before.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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