K. Male'
30 Apr 2018 | Mon 16:13
Members of the Elections Commission at a press conference: (L-R) members Mohamed Shakeel, Ahmed Akram, Chairman Ahmed Shareef, Vice Chair Ahmjad Musthafa, and member Ismail Habeeb
Members of the Elections Commission at a press conference: (L-R) members Mohamed Shakeel, Ahmed Akram, Chairman Ahmed Shareef, Vice Chair Ahmjad Musthafa, and member Ismail Habeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Elections Commission
Funds issued for by-elections returned, EC asks for MVR 14.1 million
The EC announced that they will be holding by-elections for the constituencies
Shareef said that the commission had not used the funds it received last year

The funds issued to the Elections Commission last year to hold by-elections for constituencies represented by lawmakers who have now been named to be disqualified has been returned, demanding MVR 14.1 million instead.

Ahmed Shareef, the chief of Elections Commission, announced that they will be holding by-elections for the constituencies, given the validation of the anti-defection law earlier this month.

Shareef said that the commission had not used the funds it received last year for the same purpose, which was over 26 million.

He said that the commission had left the amount unused because hearings for the case had been ongoing, and they have now asked the Finance Ministry for a sum of 14.1 million.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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