K. Male'
26 Apr 2018 | Thu 23:11
MDP National Assembly
MDP National Assembly
MDP Audit Report
MDP files audit report for 2017, prepared by Ernst and Young
The report was audited by Ernst and Young
The last day to send the audit report is May 8th
Members of Elections Commission do not respect the commission's decisions

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has sent their audit report to the Elections Commission on Thursday, as all political parties are required to do annually under the Political Parties Act.

MDP Chairperson's Deputy of Finance, Ahmed Abdulla said that the Party's expenses from 2017 was audited from an international firm, Ernst and Young. He stated that the compiled audit report has now been sent to Elections Commission. 

Ahmed Abdulla mentioned that the last day to send the report to EC was determined as 8th May and that it is unacceptable that EC told the press of the lack of MDP's report before the deadline. Furthermore, Ahmed added that he understood it as the commission's members disrespecting the commission's decision. 

'It proves that the members of the commission do not respect Elections Commission's decisions either', Ahmed Abdulla told RaajjeMV. 

Elections Commission's press conference

While highlighting the unlawful actions by EC, Ahmed stated that the commission cannot withhold financial support which needs to be provided to political parties by the government. Ahmed Abdulla also mentioned that even though the government requires EC to provide the money to political parties within the first three months of the year, the commission usually attends to it around October, September. 

Additionally, MDP calls on Elections Commission to follow laws and regulations, and to treat all political parties fairly. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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