K. Male'
26 Apr 2018 | Thu 16:28
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Chief Justice
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed puts forth pre-trial motion to reject evidence against him
Chief Justice Saeed had put forth a set of 11 pre-trial motions

Detained Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed had put forth the pre-trial motion to reject the evidence presented against him.

In addition to this, Chief Justice Saeed had put forth a set of 11 pre-trial motions, including a proposal to dismiss the charges against him on the basis that they do not adequately fit the Penal Code article that defines the crime.

Saeed had also requested the presiding judge to deem the formal documents defining the allegations against him as void, since it does carry the signature of the Prosecutor General but another individual whose identity has not been revealed. This proposal was made on the basis that such a document is in violation of criminal procedure.

Further, Chief Justice Saeed had also asked that the allegations be dismissed on the grounds that he is being charged solely in a crime that requires multiple people. He had also asked the court to reveal the sources and identities of witnesses and evidence presented against him.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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