K. Male'
25 Apr 2018 | Wed 23:00
GDh. Hoadedhoo. Source: Google Maps
GDh. Hoadedhoo. Source: Google Maps
Google Maps
Hoadedhdhoo Blackout
Blackout causes major damage in GDh. Hoadehdhoo
50 households did not have electricity
Damages were caused to goods such as air conditioners, fridges and etc
Council president informed RaajjeMV that they experience blackouts every time their electricity generators are replaced

A blackout in GDh. Hoadhedhdhoo caused major damages to electronics used in the households on Wednesday. 

President of Hoadhedhdhoo Council, Mohamed Ayaash told RaajjeMV that they have been having blackouts every time they replace their electricity generators for the past four years now. He said that the reason behind these blackouts was the absense of a synchronized system. Therefore a blackout was yet again caused when generators were changed on Wednesday evening around 6:00, which lead to major damages to electronics. 

Ayaash said that electronics such as fridges, TVs and receivers, and lights from around 60 households were damaged during the blackout, while about 50 households did not have electricity.

According to the council member, the blackout occurred when they tried to provide electricity from a generator built by a group of mechanics from Fenaka. 

President of Hoadedhdhoo Council highlighted their lack of knowledge on the exact damages caused by the blackout and added that they know of certain damages because some goods were scorched. Ayaash also assured that they are currently looking into it. 

Hoadedhdhoo has a population of about 1300 people and a total of 267 households. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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