K. Male'
24 Apr 2018 | Tue 11:55
Majeediyya School
Majeediyya School
Majeediyya School
Teachers protest in Majeediyya School after physical altercation involving student
RaajjeMV understands that the teachers are protesting over unsafe conditions at the school
A teacher was suspended for holding a student by the throat
While the teacher has no history of violence, the student has a criminal record consisting of assault and was previously disciplined at the school

Teachers in Majeediyya School have begun a protest over a physical altercation between a teacher and student.

RaajjeMV understands that the teachers are protesting over unsafe conditions at the school.

Teachers on Tuesday arrived at the school and refused to leave the staffroom. The principal has gone to the staffroom to talk with the protesting teachers.

The protest is over an incident where a teacher was suspended over a physical altercation with a student. The teacher is an Indian national who has spent many years teaching in Majeediyya.

The teacher was suspended on Monday and is to remain suspended while the school investigates the incident.

RaajjeMV understands that the student has a criminal record consisting of assault and was previously disciplined at the school.

The teacher, who has no history of violence, allegedly held the student by the throat in the altercation on Sunday.

- comment
3 years ago
Yo m
A student is under aged ... and cant have a criminal record as per law . They will be under juvenile law which is protected .