K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 18:42
National Disaster Management Center staffs meet with Defense Minister
National Disaster Management Center staffs meet with Defense Minister
Current weather conditions
'Swell waves did not cause much damage' - National Disaster Management Center
According to the report by NDMC, even though many islands experienced swell waves, very few were damaged
The report added that even though Fuvahmulah has been affected by swell waves, details of the damages have not been received
Minister of Defence and National Security Mr. Adam Shareef visited NDMC today to oversee efforts by the department

National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) has said that swell waves did not cause much damage to the islands impacted from heavy rain and storm surges. 

According to the Met office, many parts of Maldives have been experiencing swell waves during high tide hours from Saturday onwards. 

Even though 22 islands and 2 cities of Maldives have been effected by the current events of heavy rain and storm surges, NDMC reported that it is noted from the data gathered via  Island, Atoll & City councils and MNDF area commands that no major damages have been caused to any of the households. 

The islands/cities impacted as of 11:00 am today include:
HDh. Makunudhoo
HDh. Kumundhoo
Sh. Bileyfahi
Sh. Narudhoo
Sh. Kanditheem
Ra. Maduvvari
ADh. Fenfushi
ADh. Maamigili
F. Nilandhoo
Dh. Maenbudhoo
Dh. Kudahuvadhoo
Th. Madifushi
Th. Dhiyamigili
Th. Guraidhoo
Th. Thimarafushi
Th. Kinbidhoo
Th. Omandhoo
L. Kunahandhoo
GDh. Madaveli
GDh. Hoadehdhoo
GDh. Nadella
GDh. Faresmaathoda
Fuvahmulah City
Addu City

The report by NDMC said that even though walls of two households from Seenu Maradhoo were demolished by the swell waves, no people or livelihoods were damaged. And added that they do not have any further information on the impact of swell waves on Fuvahmulah yet. 

NDMC also reported that ADh. Fenfushi experienced 500 meter swell waves causing one family to be moved from their household and that Dhidhoo from the same atoll experienced 60 meter swell waves with no damages. 

While most islands from Thaa atoll experienced swell waves, only Guraidhoo was impacted as the area assigned for fish production on the island was affected by 180 meter swell waves. 

Additionally, swell waves in L. Kunahandhoo is reported to have damaged the island's agricultural land. 

Maldives Meteorological Service explained today that heavy rain and swells are being caused by a rainstorm located 1000 meters southeast of Addu Atoll. 

Met office reported that northern islands will experience high tides around 16:58 on Sunday and 03:42 on Monday morning, while mid atolls would most likely experience them around 17:39 on Sunday and 04:50 on Monday morning, and southern islands are expected to experience high tides around 18:42 on Sunday and 06:10 on Monday morning. 

Minister of Defence and National Security Mr. Adam Shareef visited NDMC today to oversee efforts by the department to monitor and organize response to the ongoing storm surge and flooding events throughout the country.





Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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