K. Male'
14 Apr 2018 | Sat 18:22
Former DRP leader Ahmed Thasmeen
Former DRP leader Ahmed Thasmeen
Ex-DRP Ahmed Thasmeen
High Court overrules lower court’s ruling on ex-DRP leader
Civil Court found that Thasmeen had not paid back a USD 20,000 (MVR 308,400) loan issued by former Villingili MP Mohamed Ramiz
Civil Court gave Thasmeen one month to pay back the total amount and also MVR 30,000 for Ramiz’s legal fees
High Court exempted Thasmeen from paying the MVR 30,000

High Court has overruled the lower court’s ruling on former Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Ahmed Thasmeen to pay back a debt within a month.

In December 2016, Civil Court found that Thasmeen had not paid back a USD 20,000 (MVR 308,400) loan issued by former Villingili MP Mohamed Ramiz within the deadline.

Civil Court gave Thasmeen one month to pay back the total amount and also MVR 30,000 for Ramiz’s legal fees.

After Thasmeen appealed, the High Court, last Wednesday, ruled to bring changed to th lower court ruling, nullifying the point where Thasmeen was required to pay MVR 30,000.

According to court, this was because both parties had not signed any agreements that state that Thasmeen was required to pay the legal fees, if he were unable to pay back the loan.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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