K. Male'
14 Apr 2018 | Sat 11:56
Former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam
Former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam
Ismail Naail Nasheed
Political Conflict
MDP Fiyoari branch strengthens work against President Yameen
MDP flag was hoisted
A meeting was conducted with the opposition supporters in Fiyoari
Discussed future activities to show support for the opposition

MDP Fiyoari branch has started strenghtening work against President Yameen's brutal administration. 

Fiyoari 'Gudisanfa' branch conducted a meeting with opposition supporters from the island. Former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam from President Nasheed's administration also attended the meeting and gave a speech addressing the attendees. There was a bondibaiy feast at the meeting as well. 

An official from the 'Gudisanfa' branch informed RaajeMV that the said meeting was organized in order to discuss strenghtening Fiyoari's role in the work against President Yameen, and to discuss activities to be carried out in order to show Fiyoari's citizen's lack of support for the current government. Preparations for the upcoming Presidential Election was also discussed at the meeting. 

According to MDP Fiyoari branch, they will be carrying out the activities planned at the meeting to 'stop' President Yameen's administration, in the near future. For instance, there will be an official opening of the branch's campaign center in Fiyoari soon. 'Gudisanfa' branch has also hoisted MDP's flag in Fiyoari, similar to many other islands. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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