K. Male'
12 Apr 2018 | Thu 08:54
Students of Imaaduddin School at an assembly
Students of Imaaduddin School at an assembly
Simaha Naseem
Imaduddin School
Imaduddin School to set up smart TVs in every classroom
Imaaduddin School intends to have the TVs installed before the end of this year
The project is an initiative of the school's Parent-Teacher Association
Imaaduddin School has launched a number of activities to raise funds for this project

Local elementary education institution Imaduddin School's teachers and parents of their students have taken the initiative to install smart TVs in all their classrooms.

Members of the school's Parent-Teacher Association, and aims at incorporating more technologically advanced methods of teaching for their students.

Ahmed Anwar, the deputy president of Imaaduddin School’s Parent-Teacher Association, said that they encourage parents of all students to support this initiative.

Anwar said that work to have said TVs installed has been underway since last year, and that the school aims to have it completed before the end of this year.

Imaaduddin School has launched a number of activities to raise funds for this project, including a student concert.

The concert’s first show will be held this Thursday, said deputy Principal Shakeeba Ali. She said that the school will not be taking any money from their students or parents and that the project will entirely be supported by funds raised through the concert and Imaduddin’s other events.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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