K. Male'
11 Apr 2018 | Wed 11:01
Ali Zahir in Fala Suruhee Program
Ali Zahir in Fala Suruhee Program
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
Adhaalath Party
'Fatwa Committee has been politicized, there's no public trust': Ali Zahir
Fatwa Committee was established independently
It currently consists of members appointed by the President
Fatwa Committees function freely in other parts of the world

Adhaalath Party's Vice President Ali Zahir voiced his concerns regarding the politicisation of the Fatwa Committee and said that it is very likely that the committee starts contributing to President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom's elections campaign soon. 

While speaking at Raajje TV's Fala Suruhee Program, Zahir mentioned that Fatwa Committee was first established under President Nasheed's administration in 2008 when Adhaalath Party filled the leading positions in Islamic Ministry. He noted that despite being established as a free committee, changes have been brought to the committee's name as well as its principles. 

Back then the committee functioned with the support of established scholars from various background and in a way which earned public trust. 

"People respected the decisions made by the committee before. Because the conclusions were balanced, as professionals from different backgrounds were consulted beforehand. And also because the decisions were made independently without the government's influence. However now the committee includes members appointed by the President", said Zahir. 

Zahir also noted that currently there is leeway to say that the committee's decisions are influenced or easily manipulated by the president and added that the political influence over the committee is very apparent today. 

"The committee is probably going to campaign. I wouldn't say that they won't assist Yameen's 2018 elections campaign at this rate. We might even see his logo being used by them", said Zahir. 

Ali Zahir mentioned that the Maldivian Fatwa Committee cannot be trusted even though committees that provide islamic fatwas are generally respected by the public across the globe.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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