K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 10:05
The 24-year-old was carried to Kulhudhuffusi island on a sea-ambulance
The 24-year-old was carried to Kulhudhuffusi island on a sea-ambulance
MNDF Coast Guard
Rescue officers help carry sickly 24-yo to Kulhudhuffushi for treatment
The man's condition was reported at about 8:05 PM
The man was aboard a vessel, named ‘Hiyaroadhi’, 90 nautical miles west of Kulhudhuffushi island

The Maldives National Defence Force’s (MNDF) rescue officers have on Sunday helped carry a young man aboard a fishing vessel to Kulhudhuffushi island, in Haa Dhaal atoll, for treatment.

The MNDF said the 24-year-old man’s condition was reported to them at about 8:05 PM on Sunday night, and they had ‘immediately’ dispatched their northern area coast guard squadron.

The man was aboard a vessel, named ‘Hiyaroadhi’, 90 nautical miles west of Kulhudhuffushi island. The vessel had then been near Ihavandhoo island of Haa Alif atoll.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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