K. Male'
08 Apr 2018 | Sun 17:32
Fisheries Ministry
Former President Nasheed
Fishermen should be paid fair price: Ex-President Nasheed
Nasheed also said that laying concrete all over the capital city is an obstacle to progress
In April of last year, the government began capping the purchases of fish at 2.5 metric tons per vessel
MIFCO also failed to manage the weighing process after fishing improved remarkably in April of last year and was forced to dump some of the fish back into the s

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that true progress is establishing a system by which fishermen can fairly weigh their catch.

In a tweet on Sunday, Nasheed also said that laying concrete all over the capital city is an obstacle to progress.

In April of last year, the government began capping the purchases of fish at 2.5 metric tons per vessel due to difficulties in keeping the fish in storage. Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) also failed to manage the weighing process after fishing improved remarkably in April of last year and was forced to dump some of the fish back into the sea.

It is noteworthy that former President Nasheed’s administration made major improvements to giving fair prices to fishermen.

Fishing has recently improved with 700 tonnes of fish being caught in the southern region on Saturday alone. Fishermen from Gaaf Alif atoll told RaajjeMV that fishing boats had caught an average of 15 to 20 tonnes of fish each with a record 43 tonnes being caught by a fishing boat from Faresmaathodaa.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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