K. Male'
06 Apr 2018 | Fri 16:10
Jumhoree Party (JP)’s secretary general Ahmed Sameer
Jumhoree Party (JP)’s secretary general Ahmed Sameer
Simaha Naseem
Kalhuvakaru Mosque
Government accused of selling off 18th century mosque
The Kalhuvakaru Mosque located in capital city Male’ was dismantled in 2016 to be relocated to GDh Thinadhoo
However even after a year there is currently no official who can disclose the progress of the move
Sameer said President Yameen’s administration seem to hold irreligious principles, an example of which was the Kalhuvakaru Mosque issue

The Joint Opposition parties have accused the government of selling off the historic Kalhu Vakaru Mosque.

The Kalhu Vakaru Miskiy located in capital city Malé was disassembled in 2016 to be relocated to Thinadhoo of Gaafu Dhaal Atoll. However even after a year, there is currently no official in government who can disclose the progress of the mosque's reassembly.

Speaking in a press conference, Jumhoree Party (JP)’s secretary general Ahmed Sameer said President Abdulla Yameen’s administration seem to hold irreligious principles, an example of which was the disassembling of the mosque.

He said that the government has shown a lack of interest for Islam and the religious unity of Maldivians by not making available a piece of land to keep the 800-year-old mosque.

Sameer noted that no one knows the whereabouts of the mosque parts after it was dismantled for the relocation, or even whether or not the government has sold it.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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