K. Male'
02 Apr 2018 | Mon 17:39
Maldives Foreign Minister (r) with the Indian Foreign Secretary
Maldives Foreign Minister (r) with the Indian Foreign Secretary
India - Maldives
India resumes issuing visas to Maldivians after hiatus
Indian authorities said the hiatus was due to technical issues
The Indian High Commission resumed issuing visas last Tuesday
Reports have been made on the straining relationship between the two neighboring countries

India has resumed issuing visas to Maldivians after a hiatus caused by technical issues, said Indian authorities.

The Indian High Commission resumed issuing visas last Tuesday.

Reports have been made on the straining relationship between the two neighboring countries. While India has maintained closed relations with Maldives since its independence, President Abdulla Yameen’s administration has been cozying up to India’s regional rival China. Some experts have said that Maldives signing an FTA with China late last year had taken India by surprise.

India has also expressed concern over the political crisis in the Maldives triggered after the Supreme Court on February 1 ordered the release of political prisoners and reinstatement of opposition MPs. Refusing to implement the order, President Yameen declared a state of emergency on February 5 and arrested two Supreme Court justices, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and other opposition members.

After the month-long state of emergency ended, India welcomed the move and called to implement the Supreme Court order.

In response, the Maldives government stated that the recent political developments are an internal political matter and therefore should remain as a matter to be resolved internally.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
- comment
6 years ago
Amit Naik
any updated on work visas for indians???
6 years ago
Ibrahim Majid
My point is peoples of maldives are very poor any tome any movement why the goverment of india play by maldivian who are study n medical purpose over there stay parents and medical suffering treating poor maldivoan people. Play to bussiness people who are importing goods to maldives and government people and officials n medical items imports to maldives. Do not play poor people of maldivian nationals.