K. Male'
29 Mar 2018 | Thu 14:31
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Ex-President Nasheed
MBC launches probe over ex-President Nasheed's comments during interview
The case was forwarded to the MBC by commissioner Zeena Zahir
The opposition leader called on his supporters to stand against erosion of democratic principles
Zeena is a known supporter of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives

The Maldives Broadcasting Commission has begun investigating a case over an interview former President Mohamed Nasheed gave to Raajje Television (RaajjeTV).

RaajjeMV understandds case was forwarded to the commission by Zeena Zahir, a member of the commission, the same day the interview was given.

RaajjeTV had saught a comment from the former president, in response to Attorney General Mohamed Anil’s claim that the police and military must refrain from enforcing a court order at the request of the executive branch.

The opposition leader, in the interview, calls on his supporters to stand against what he described as erosion of democratic principles.

In this regard, he tells them to hold acting police commissioner Abdulla Nawaz, military chief Ahmed Shiyam, and Attorney General Anil, accountable.

Zeena is a known supporter of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives and has been involved in events organized by First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim.  

The station has said it is yet to be informed of a decision on the matter.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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