K. Male'
29 Mar 2018 | Thu 11:44
An expatriate working at a storage site operated by Maldives Gas
An expatriate working at a storage site operated by Maldives Gas
Pension Regulations
Authorities change pension rights to allow departing expatriates access
Immigrants leaving the country must apply for access to their pensions, three months ahead of departure
The pension office said that the funds will be made accessible within 45 days

The Maldives Pension Administration Office has changed their regulations on retirement savings, to allow expatriate workers leaving the country access.

Immigrants who have worked in the country and are planning to leave must apply for access to their funds, three months before departure.

The pension office said that the funds will be made accessible, primarily through a bank deposit into an active account, within 45 days.

Pension regulations, as they currently stand, only allow access into funds at the legal retirement age of 65.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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