K. Male'
28 Mar 2018 | Wed 12:50
Gender Minister Zenysha Zaki, speaking at an event held by the government
Gender Minister Zenysha Zaki, speaking at an event held by the government
Ali Yoosuf
Violence Against Children
44 cases of child sexual abuse reported last month alone: Gender Ministry
A total of 210 cases had been reported to the ministry and social service outlets, in February
117 alone were over different forms of violence against children
About 28 percent of the 1,450 child abuse cases filed last year was of sexual violence

Over 44 cases of child sexual abuse was reported to the Gender Ministry and social services outlets across the country in February alone, the ministry’s month-end review has revealed.

While this is this number of cases filed over sexual violence against children, a total of 210 cases had been reported to the ministry out of which 117 alone were over different forms of violence against children.  

Sexual abuse makes up for the majority of this latter figure and up to 30 cases of physical violence against children were reported. There were also 18 cases of emotional abuse filed in February alone.

About 28 percent of the 1,450 child abuse cases filed last year was of sexual violence.  Violence against children and minors being in conflict with the law remain major challenges in the Maldives.

The ministry’s report reveals 30 cases of children being involved in misdemeanors and crimes in February. Last year saw 22 cases of minors being involved in cases of assault reported, with 16 cases of theft.

A similar pattern was reported by the Ministry itself in September last year.

Neglect of children had been reported is a key challenge as well, with physical abuse also being reported significantly more than any other form of child abuse.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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