K. Male'
27 Mar 2018 | Tue 13:23
Police escort journalist Mohamed Wisam
Police escort journalist Mohamed Wisam
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Criminal Court
Criminal Court schedules second remand hearing for RaajjeTV’s Wisam and Amir
The hearing has been scheduled for 15:00
They are accused of producing and uploading a video depicting ‘rogue’ officers
They have both denied all allegations made against them

The Criminal Court has scheduled another hearing to decide on whether or not extend the remand of Mohamed Wisam and Amir Saleem.

The hearing has been scheduled for 15:00 on Tuesday. Amir and Wisam were arrested on February 16th and initially remanded for 10 days.

Wisam, a well-known journalist, and Amir, the station’s head of programmes, are accused of producing and uploading a video depicting ‘rogue’ officers of the police making anti-government proclamations.

While they have both denied all allegations made against them, the station has described them as attempts at slander.

The two individuals were arrested while prominent members of the ruling party had accused RaajjeTV of being a ‘terrorist’ organization.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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