K. Male'
27 Mar 2018 | Tue 07:18
President Yameen (L) and King Salman of Saudi Arabia
President Yameen (L) and King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Maldives - Saudi Arabia
Maldives government condemns Houthi missile attacks on Saudi Arabia
The message is addressed to King Salman of Saudi Arabia
The Maldivian government has reiterated commitment to ‘eliminating the global threat of terrorism’

The President’s Office has sent a ‘message of sympathy’ to the Saudi Arabian government over Yemen’s Houthi rebels launching ballistic missiles toward their cities.

In the message, signed by President Abdulla Yameen, the Maldivian government reiterates its commitment to ‘eliminating the global threat of terrorism’.

The message also expresses Maldives’ solidarity with Saudi Arabia in reported efforts to restore ‘regional peace and stability’.

“Please accept, Your Majesty, my personal best wishes for your good health and well-being, and the assurances of my highest consideration” the message reads.

The message is addressed to King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia’s current monarch.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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