K. Male'
26 Mar 2018 | Mon 17:46
A large MDP flag tied to a coconut tree in F Feeali
A large MDP flag tied to a coconut tree in F Feeali
Government Oppression
Police confiscate opposition party flags, locals raise more
Police have been taking down large MDP flags hoisted at campaign sites and on top of trees
Teams of officers have also been dismantling MDP campaign sites

As police officers keep confiscating main opposition party MDP’s flags in the atolls, island residents have been raising more.

Police have been taking down large MDP flags hoisted at campaign sites and on top of trees, but the locals have been replacing those flags with ones just as large.

Large flags have been raised on top of coconut trees In HDh Nolhivaram and F Feeali, while another one was also raised on top of a large tree in AA Thoddoo.

MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef has shared a video of one of the flags on Twitter.

Teams of officers have also been dismantling MDP campaign sites, but party members have been establishing other ones.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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