K. Male'
24 Mar 2018 | Sat 18:36
From the left: Husnu Suood, Prosecutor General Aishath Bisam, and former Attorney General
From the left: Husnu Suood, Prosecutor General Aishath Bisam, and former Attorney General
Prosecutor General
PG Bisham's integrity questioned after photo of her leaving President’s Office surfaces online
The photo shows the PG waiting for her car outside the President’s Office with Home Minister Ahmed Azleen
Husnu Suood said on Twitter that the Constitution prohibits the PG from discussing individual cases with the President and cabinet members
Dhiyana Saeed questioned the reason behind the PG and Home Minister visiting the President’s Office, saying that it undermines confidence in the PG’s independence

Two former attorney generals have questioned Prosecutor General Aishath Bisham’s independence after a photo of her leaving the President’s Office spread online.

The photo shows the PG waiting for her car outside the President’s Office, with Home Minister Azleen Ahmed.

Husnu Suood, the attorney general during former President Mohamed Nasheed's administration, said on Twitter that the Constitution prohibits the PG from discussing individual cases with the President and cabinet members.

“In 2008, PG's post was separated from AG's office specifically to make the prosecution free from executive/political influence,” reads his tweet.

In addition, former attorney general Dhiyana Saeed questioned the reason behind the PG and Home Minister visiting the President’s Office, saying that it undermines confidence in the PG’s independence, “especially at a time when so many opposition figures are being prosecuted on baseless, politically motivated charges.”

The Prosecutor General’s Act states that the PG should not be under coercion or influence of any person or persons when performing his or her duties.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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