K. Male'
23 Mar 2018 | Fri 17:42
State of Emergency
State of Emergency
State of Emergency Arrests
SoE detainees were remanded unlawfully: Lawyer Shameem
Officers brought SoE detainees before court according to suspended legal procedures
These actions mean that the powers of acting police commissioner Abdulla Nawaz have increased more than than the President
Before revoking the SoE, the government summoned numerous jailed politicians to court to remand them for the remainder of their trials

Those arrested during the State of Emergency (SoE) brought before the court for remand hearings using legal procedures that were suspended during the SoE, says lawyer Hussain Shameem.

In an interview on RaajjeTV, Shameem said police officers cited article 48 of the Constitution when asked on what authority they had brought the detainees before court.

Shameem said article 48, which deals with the rights of arrestees, was suspended by President Abdulla Yameen during the State of Emergency.

He said that these actions mean that the powers of acting police commissioner Abdulla Nawaz have increased more than President Yameen’s.

“This means that no matter what President Yameen decides, Nawaz has the power to invoke criminal procedures on anyone he wishes.”

Before revoking the State of Emergency, the government summoned numerous jailed politicians to court to remand them for the remainder of their trials. These include former President Maumoon Abdul Gayom, Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed, and opposition MPs. The state has accused them of attempting to overthrow the government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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