K. Male'
17 Mar 2018 | Sat 11:25
Riot police at Friday\'s mass protest
Riot police at Friday's mass protest
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Attacks on RaajjeTV
RaajjeTV 'strongly' condemns ruling party's accusations that video threatening gov't was made by the station
Three RaajjeTV journalists were arrested on Friday night
Ruling party’s deputy leader accused RaajjeTV of encouraging terrorism and once again called on authorities to shut the station down
Police has not announced the reason for their arrest, but have said that three individuals have been arrested over the 'fake' video

RaajjeTV has condemend the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)'s accusations that a video showing masked men in police uniform, threatening to join the opposition's demostrations, was made by the station.

In a tweet posted late Friday night, RaajjeTV said that it strongly condemns ruling PPM parliamentary group leader, Ahmed Nihan's allegations that the said video was made by the station. It further called on the Villimale' constituency MP not to make such blatant lies against the station and its journalists, just because he has the power to do so.

The station's Head of Programmes Amir Saleem and senior video journalist Mohamed Wisam were arrested over the said video, under a court order.

While the police is yet to officially announce the reason for the arrests, in a press conference held at around 2am, PPM's deputy leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla accused the two of terrorism, calling on authorities "to expedite their prosecution". He also called on Maldives Broadcasting Commission to shut down the station, his second such call since February.

In addition, RaajjeTV's senior video journalist Mohamed Fazeen was arrested on Friday night as well, on allegations of failing to obey a police officer. 

While the police service did not disclose why Wisam and Amir were arrested, it has confirmed that three arrests were made over the video. The third suspect is unclear.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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