K. Male'
16 Mar 2018 | Fri 17:29
Protesters being taken to island prison Dhoonidhoo
Protesters being taken to island prison Dhoonidhoo
Anti-Government Protests
Police arrest 23 at Thursday's protest
More than 23 were taken into police custody on Thursday
Police earlier arrested 15 from Wednesday’s protest, some of whom including lawmakers have been released
These arrests coincide with a mass anti-government demonstration planned by the joint opposition

Police have said they have arrested 23 people at Thursday’s protest in capital city Male’.

While spokesperson and police superintendent Ahmed Shifan said this, more than 23 were taken into police custody on Thursday.

Police earlier arrested 15 from Wednesday’s protest, some of whom including lawmakers have been released.

Police confirmed they arrested Ihavandhoo MP Mohamed Abdulla, Dhaalu Kudahuvadhoo council president Ahmed Shaam, opposition party JP’s women’s league president Waleeda Waleed, and opposition MDP’s women’s wing’s secretary staff Aishath Waheed.

These arrests coincide with a mass anti-government demonstration planned by the joint opposition.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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