K. Male'
12 Mar 2018 | Mon 10:36
Fonadhoo MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla in parliament
Fonadhoo MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla in parliament
People Megazine
MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla
Judges Act should be amended to preserve integrity: MP Abdul Raheem
MP Abdul Raheem has proposed that the Judges Act be amended
MP Abdul Raheem called the Supreme Court ruling on February 1st, a judicial coup

Fonadhoo MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla, one of the staunches supporters of the government in parliament, has stressed on the importance of amending the law on judges.

MP Abdul Raheem said at the Monday parliamentary sitting that the Supreme Court’s contentious ruling on February 1st, was a ‘judicial coup that caused the court’s integrity to be tarnished’.

“The ruling is a coup, both unlawful and blasphemous, and it tarnishes the reputation and integrity of a court that is beloved by the people and carries ultimate judicial power” the lawmaker said.

The parliamentarian also went on to say that Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed, who are detained under the nation’s ongoing state of emergency, are responsible for said alleged coup.

MP Abdul Raheem has proposed that the Judges Act be amended so that judges undergoing criminal prosecution will be put on suspension, with payment of monthly salaries and allowances seized.

The amendment also states that if a judge is found guilty of a criminal offense, then the sentence must be appealed at a higher court within a period of 10 days.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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