K. Male'
11 Mar 2018 | Sun 23:02
Jumhoree Party (JP)’s deputy leader and Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz
Jumhoree Party (JP)’s deputy leader and Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz
MP Abdulla Riyaz's Trial
MP Riyaz given five days to appoint a lawyer
The jailed MP was summoned to the Criminal Court on Sunday regarding his trial on influencing official duties
Riyaz was arrested at an anti-government demonstration on March 2 under the State of Emergency decree
He is charged with alleged direct or indirect communication with a public official in any manner prohibited by law

Jumhoree Party (JP)’s deputy leader and Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz has been given five days to appoint a lawyer.

The jailed MP was summoned to the Criminal Court on Sunday regarding his trial on influencing official duties.

Riyaz is currrntly under police custody, having been arrested at an anti-government demonstration on March 2 under the State of Emergency decree.

On November 23, he was charged with violating Section 11(a)(2) of the Penal Code – direct or indirect communication with a public official in any manner prohibited by law. If found guilty he will face nine months and 18 days in jail.

This is the third charge against him. Previously he was found not guilty of obstructing a public official, and the state has appealed it to the High Court.

Riyaz and 11 other MPs are also involved in an ongoing trial over alleged obstruction of police.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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