K. Male'
22 Feb 2018 | Thu 18:10
President Abdulla Yameen (r) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
President Abdulla Yameen (r) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
India - Maldives
Maldives to int'l community: ‘public statements unhelpful’, call for 'dialogue'
The foreign ministry said the government has taken note of the public statements issued by the India "that ignore the facts."
Ministry assured that it only affects “individuals alleged to have carried out illegal activities and in the places they stayed.”
Calls on India to refrain from "any actions that could hinder resolving the situation facing the country.”

In response to the controversy regarding the extension of the state of emergency, the Maldives government says it calls for dialogue with India, and that “public statements are unhelpful.”

In a press release, the foreign ministry said the government has taken note of the public statements issued by the Indian government “that ignore the facts and ground realities with regard to the ongoing political developments in the Maldives.”

“The assertion by the Government of India that the extension of the State of Emergency by the People’s Majlis (parliament) was unconstitutional is a clear distortion of facts, which ignore the Constitution and Laws of the Maldives,” reads the statement.

The ministry goes on to explain the legal process by which President Abdulla Yameen declared and extended the state of emergency, and assured that it only affects “individuals alleged to have carried out illegal activities and in the places they stayed.”

The ministry said the state of emergency “ensures no other restriction on the daily lives of the people and provides protection to the citizens living in the Maldives, to foreign workers and to those visiting the country.”

“There is no doubt that the Maldives is experiencing one of the most difficult periods in the history of the nation.  It is therefore important that friends and partners in the international community, including India, refrain from any actions that could hinder resolving the situation facing the country,” it said.

Government of Maldives reiterated its "firm commitment to work closely with the international community, including India, to address the concerns they might have.”

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
- comment
6 years ago
Go to hell India. This is none of your business to keep eye on Maldives. India was the country involved in the failed coupe supported by USA and UK. The Indian government, American and UK as well as German Ambassadors to Maldives in Colombo were the key players and support oppositions to overthrow the government. This is the opportunity for Maldives government to decide on; (a) not to renew contracts of teachers, doctors, nurse and other unprofessional Indians working in Maldives. (b) Not to provide dependent visa to any Indian working in Maldives. (c) The radar system to dismantle and send back. (d) The helicopter using in Maldives and operate by India pilots must return to India (e) to minimize and stop imports from India. And some more....