K. Male'
22 Feb 2018 | Thu 11:17
Attorney General's Office Mohamed Anil
Attorney General's Office Mohamed Anil
Attorney General's Office
Attorney General's Office employees sign petition against extending state of emergency
RaajjeMV has been informed of this by a source from within the office
A number of lawyers have also expressed concern about this proposition

A number of employees at the Attorney General’s Office has advised Attorney General Mohamed Anil against extending the state of emergency announced this month.

RaajjeMV has been informed by a source from within the office that a petition in this regard had been produced, and garnered a total of 25 signatures.

The government has proposed that the 15-day state of emergency, a period that came to an end on Tuesday, be extended by 30 days.

A number of lawyers have also expressed concern about this proposition, and a number of nations has called out against it, namely India and Germany.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has also acknowledged it, as a number of news outlets reported that they Prosecutor General Aishath Bisham asked the police to free detainees apprehended on grounds of the state of emergency.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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