K. Male'
21 Feb 2018 | Wed 17:37
Prosecutor General Aishath Bisam
Prosecutor General Aishath Bisam
Presidents Office
State of Emergency
PG calls for release of those arrested following state of emergency
The PG office has not officially made the announcement
RaajjeMV understands that the PG sent a letter to the police service, informing them that the initial declaration of the state of emergency has expired
An official has told RaajjeMV that the police service also wishes to release the prisoners, but has refrained from doing so because of President Yameen's orders

The Prosecutor General (PG) has said there is no state of emergency and called for the release of all those arrested following its declaration.

While the PG office has not officially made the announcement, RaajjeMV understands that the PG sent a letter to the police service, informing them that the initial declaration of the state of emergency decreed by President Abdulla Yameen has expired and that the parliament's approval of a 15-day extension was not valid.

Following the declaration of the state of emergency, the government has arrested Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed and his wife, and Judicial Adminsitrator Hassan Saeed. Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, his son-in-law Mohamed Nadeem, South-Mahchangolhi MP Abdulla Sinan, Dhangethi MP Ahmed Ilham, opposition MDP's deputy leader Mohamed Shifaz, and other politicians have also been arrested. They have been accused of attempting to overthrow the government.

An official has told RaajjeMV that the police service also wishes to release the prisoners, but has refrained from doing so because of President Yameen's orders. But there has been not word about this from the government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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