K. Male'
21 Feb 2018 | Wed 18:02
President Abdulla Yameen (c) with government officials
President Abdulla Yameen (c) with government officials
Presidents Office
State of Emergency
International Democrat Union condemns Yameen’s ‘authoritarian tactics’
IDU said this in an emergency resolution on February 21
IDU called on the Maldives government implement the Supreme Court order
It called on the international community to stand up against the authoritarian actions of the Maldives government and increase targeted sanctions

International Democrat Union (IDU) has strongly condemned the unlawful actions of President Abdulla Yameen and the Maldives government.

IDU said this in an emergency resolution on February 21, titled “Stop President Yameen’s authoritarian tactics against the people of Maldives and restore democracy.”

After the parliament approved an extension of the state of emergency, the association said it was deeply concerned about “the latest examples of unlawful acts carried out by the Yameen administration.”

IDU noted that President Abdulla Yameen imposed a state of emergency through a presidential decree after refusing to obey the Supreme Court order on February 1, to release nine political prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition MPs.

It said President Yameen has used the state of emergency to jail the Chief Justice, another Justice, former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and three opposition lawmakers. Key figures of the opposition have also been arrested without due process, IDU said, adding that the Police have also responded with undue force against demonstrators calling on the government to implement the Supreme Court ruling.

IDU called on the Maldives government implement the Supreme Court order to release the political prisoners, release the judges of the Supreme Court, release former president Gayoom, MP Faris Maumoon, MP Abdulla Sinan, MP Ilham Ahmed, and all others detained following the state of emergency, and to withdraw the military from parliament and allow for the opening and full functioning of the parliament.

The association also called on the international community to stand up against the authoritarian actions of the Maldives government and increase targeted sanctions against the Yameen administration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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