K. Male'
20 Feb 2018 | Tue 21:22
Man places his vote inside a ballot box at an Opposition MDP internal primary
Man places his vote inside a ballot box at an Opposition MDP internal primary
2018 Presidential Elections
EC to open opportunity to run in Presidential Elections in July
EC member Ahmed Akram said they plan to hold the election in September
The international community have urged Maldives government to hold an inclusive presidential election by allowing participation of political prisoners

Elections Commission (EC) said it will open the opportunity for candidates to participate in the 2018 presidential election in July.

EC member Ahmed Akram said they plan to hold the election in September.

Article 110 of the Constitution states that the presidential elections should be held within 30 to 120 days before the end of the current presidential term.

Article 5(a) of the Presidential Elections Act states that the EC should make a public announcement to open the opportunity for persons wishing to stand for the presidential election, within no more than 10 days of the commencement of the last 120 days of the presidential term.

The international community have repeatedly urged the Maldives government to hold a fair and inclusive presidential election by allowing the participation of political prisoners.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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