K. Male'
20 Feb 2018 | Tue 16:43
Riot police on the streets of Maldives during the state of emergency
Riot police on the streets of Maldives during the state of emergency
Mohamed Sharuhaan
India - Maldives
India hopes Maldives will 'not be seeking extension' of state of emergency
The Ministry of External Affairs said this in a press release
It said the Supreme Court order to release political prisoners and reinstate MPs should be implemented
“It is important that Maldives quickly returns to the path of democracy and the rule of law."

India has said it expects Maldives to not seek an extension of the state of emergency when it comes to an end on Tuesday.

In a press release, the Ministry of External Affairs said that the judiciary should be allowed to function independently and in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with the Constitution, once the state of emergency is revoked.

The ministry also said the Supreme Court order on February 1, to release political prisoners and reinstate opposition MPs to parliament, should be implemented “in letter and spirit.”

“It is important that Maldives quickly returns to the path of democracy and the rule of law so that the aspirations of Maldivian people are met and the concerns of the international community are assuaged,” the statement reads.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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